Suggested Adaptations:
Provide a variety ways to show evidence of student learning so students can have choice that will fit with their learning profile
Oral presentation
Oral recorded presentation
Video presentation
Art project
Graphic organizer
U-tube video
PowerPoint presentation (can add voice over)
Reduce the size of the test
Reduce the number of questions
Encourage class/student created test questions as a review process at the end of a unit. Students create 2-3 questions that they present to the class to answer. They share the answers through discussion. The class then chooses which questions should be on the final test. This is a very engaging way to review material and for students to take ownership of their learning and assessment.
Provide and oral test option
Encourage drawing as well as writing on tests to show learning
Written output difficulties can be addressed in a number of ways depending on the students’ needs
Students that have grip issues
Chunky pencils
Pencil grips
Use big felt pens/ white board marker
Students who have a sensory/pressure issue
Use different types of writing materials to make the job less onerous
White board writing is much easier and requires less pressure than conventional pen and paper writing
A cheap white board can be created using plastic lids from ice cream buckets or pails
Raised writing paper can be purchased from most educational stores. They have raised interlined lines to help the student ‘feel’ when they are going out of the writing area
Use of a mechanical pencil is sometimes preferred over a traditional wooden pencil because the point is always sharp and does not require a lot of pressure
Some students prefer the use of felts over wax crayons and vice versa. Have a variety of tools available for student use.
Use of Technology
Voice to text software
Graphic organizers like Inspiration© and Kidspiration©
Keyboarding software
Video creation software