
Multi-Sensory Make-and-Take
Bring your scissors, glue and felt markers and spend the day creating literacy activities that you can use in your classroom in the very next day.

Kindergarten Readiness
This workshop looks at the different areas of a child's development from Infant to
Kindergarten and what a parent can do at each stage to help their child develop into
happy, confident children. You will receive a list of good books and resources
recommended for each stage and discuss the positive and negative impact technology
plays in the development of your child.
"40% of children are not ready for kindergarten"​

Building Foundations for Lifelong Health
Come build a brain. Learn how genetics and environment interact to shape the architecture of the brain. Gain an understanding of how play, novel experiences, and active engagement with and learning from peers/adults help fuel child development. Develop a perspective of how toxic stress and trauma affect the developing brain and learn strategies to help reduce these negative effects on the brain. Understand how to support learners to achieve their potential